Thursday, January 4, 2007


 Hare Rama,

This planet known by the name of Vasundhara, is the limit of beauty, beauty of nature, and truth of life relates to this heaven on the earth,

All planets in the sky relate to the truth of Earth, all heavenly bodies have been designed by the providence in meridian with earth to glorify the beauty of the planet in varying forms,

27 plus one overlapping constellation serve the cause of life in truth with their existence referring to the planets transmitting through in their transition, 

Power to accumulate and be accompanied by power is the subject that relates to Nakshatras,

Though they are imaginary bisection of the sky alike zodiac sings yet an impactive power to relate the truth of fate beings possesses, 

Auterisms confer on us not only the goods our desire and capacity to perceive influenced by them all well,

Man's strength and asterism are proportionate to each other,

Nature on the planet never remains in ether truth with the sky chart 

Celestial cult and celestial bodies ever remains inclined to the truth of this planet known in the name of earth, 

Celestial culture is meant to help the spirit and it is most suited truth to Atman on a short stay in this designated heaven to experience the inherent truth of self through the discipline available,

Astronomy and astrology both relate to reaching the truth of the planet blessed with embodied soul in five with twenty-four,

Indeed, the entire universe is moving on a guideline set by the almighty God, and astrology is a science that helps one to trace the track to a limit,

Indeed, it is a science, but not to be confused with material science, is a subject to an interest in which to invoke a smile of Condescension not the cunning of ego ride,

Indeed, it is a light that may guide suitable to correct self to a limit, not to the tune of achievements on the sphere of the material plane.

Absolutely, a subject to give hope, but not a subject to ride over to feed lust, greed, and ego.

Unfortunately, numerous quacks dilute the meaning of this sacred subject, so-called astrology.

No one on the planet is competent enough to retrace the prediction to the tune of ultimate truth, but by and large, one can reach close by through the truth of self and astrology helps.

Indeed, it is the subject of sages and saints who devote life to the cord of austerity penance, and devotion, it is the study of cosmic culture and its behavior that not only matters to life alone but influences the spirit in varying regions even hereafter.

Absolutely, it throws light on the dark recesses of the gloomy future, it attempts to foretell the future of man, territorial phenomenon, and the truth unto peace and bliss the foremost subject of spirit.

Astrology is a science that defines the feature of life and nature with respect to its pace, which relates to the cosmic culture of known planets,

Zodiac is a sky chart to ascertain the truth of an event or living, 

Imaginary bisection of the ecliptic into 12 parts forms the zodiac, which kept the account of all beings and surroundings in its garb,

12 zodiac signs which further divided to form a constellation that helps one to access the pinpoint situation derived through the movement of planets including earth,

27 constellations with measures of 13 degrees and 20 minutes complete the cycle of 360,

Indeed, nine planets play a pivotal role to define and redefine the chapter of life on the cord of faith,

Interrelation between the zodiac houses, constellations, and planets indicate results to evaluate life at its true pitch at pace,

Every action physical, moral or mental produces another action, and astrology guides are suitable to simplify the subject to reach the mysterious troth one belongs to,

Relation between the planet with respect to particular distance and specific zodiac sign produces yoga with dignifying the potency of prediction with the present scenario of transit planets and basic chart,

The solar system is headed by the Sun and consists of fellow planets and starts, including even shadows that lead the cosmic sphere at its sole base,

Moon is a very specific planet that acts as a satellite of the Earth to bring all the goodness from the Sun to the planet,

Earth, the mother planet for life here, and Moon the mother planet for spirit hereafter,

Indeed, heaven beyond the scenario of a naked eye but planets with ranging velocities influence the spirit at varying levels for either chapter the Maya or the God,

The planetary chapter of the planet is very simple here and equally easy for hereafter if one maintains the vision to preview the chart in the true spirit,

Indeed, the Nature of planets is beyond words yet saints and sages have elaborate the subject to specify the event relates to affliction or favorable condition of the planet in the chart,

Broad classification in four chapters unto the nature of planet for beings is,

Masculine and feminine,

Masculine is bound to lead from the forefront, whereas feminine is submissive,

Benefic and malefic

Benefic is an indicator of gains, whereas malefic generates ignorance

Relation between social scenarios and family affairs

The relationship is a prime subject dealt with in the journey of life to make it presentable, and the social cord is the subject of service which may lead to escalating the ego

Colors of life and dark cell of ignorance

Colors reflect joy and dark indicates the indifferent taste of life,

True prediction is not an easy subject for anyone, but evaluation of life in a broad spectrum can be made at any span of life for any span through the correct zodiac diagram if calculations are up to the mark,

Strength of planet, aspects unto it and the corresponding house where the house in with respective Yoga-relation with the inhabitant on the cord of basic zodiac sign, transit pace of planet in present scenario and placement of Vimsottary plays a vital role in prediction, patience perseverance and experience with the divine subject at heart and mind truly helps one to reach the truth

There are say about 4000 yoga both positive and negative which influence life at the respective stages,

Each planet is supposed to produce a particular measure of strength permanently irrespective of its position and on this cord, Sun Moon Venus Jupiter Mercury Mars, and Saturn are strong in descending order, this helps in evaluating the resultant while transit strikes the vimsottary planet effects,

The Moon mars and Saturn are most effective at night whereas Sun Jupiter and Venus reflect best in the daytime, mercury remains active both ways,

In the dark half, malefic planets show their pace whereas benefic indications can be experienced truly in the lunar half,

Retrogression of mercury Jupiter and Venus restrict their benefic effects, whereas retrogression of Mars and Saturn may indicate relief if suffering from the afflicts,

A planet placed in ascendant acquires the highest power to influence the life on almost every chapter concerned with, where planet placed in trine houses keep more than 75 potencies of self to indicate where planet placed in the succedent house indicate more than 50 % of the total strength attained, but planet placed in the cadant house reflect low at 25 % of potency,

The Mercury and Jupiter ever proves to be the most competent reflector if placed in the ascendant, their most favorable subject,

The Sun and the Mars indicate their best while placed in the 10th house of the zodiac,

Venus and moon attain their best while placed in fourth, Saturn proves very indifferent in prediction if placed in seventh, in seventh it attains the strength of the house to realign its pitch and pace to influence the life both ways,

Rāhu and Ketu are retrograde by nature, the first part Rahu indicates fear, and the second part Ketu reflects emancipation,

One planet alone can never influence an event singularly in life it is the combined effect of planets that influence the events, indeed all planets contribute, yet individuals play their specific part in the events that belong to life,

For a happy life, zodiac status of a favorable Moon is a must,

For a life of a True saint, well placing Saturn in favorable placement with Jupiter is a must,

For a life that is filled with good public relations and friendships, a zodiac status of favorable mercury is a must,

For a life that is filled with fame on positive notes, the zodiac status of favorable Sun is a must,

For happy married life, cordial relation between Mars and Venus in the zodiac is a must,

For a rich and wealthy life, zodiac status of favorable Jupiter is a must,

For a sharp intellect, the perfect status of mercury in zodiac is a must,

For a favorable fate, it is truly placed the status of the Moon in the zodiac helps genuinely

For a life embodiment of glamour, the zodiac status of favorable Venus is a must,

For long life, well Saturn is a must along with a comfortable moon,

A happy ending depends on the favorable status of malefic planets in the zodiac

Contentment in life is subject well-placed mercury in the zodiac with respective yogas,

Happiness on account of children, based on the status of Jupiter in the zodiac,

Gains on account of truthful sensuality depend on the perfect status of Mars for man and Venus for woman,

Relationships in life last long as on the favorable notes of Mars and Venus in opposite zodiac diagrams, indeed zodiac signs of Mars and Venus may play a positive role to evaluate the truth unto the subject,

Health gain is a subject of perfect ascendant, but truly placed Mars helps one to rescue even from the deadliest diseases,

A happy home is the subject of perfect harmony between Mercury and Saturn,

Indian calendar of dates moves with the transit mode of the most beautiful planet on the sky_the Moon.

Full moon and new moon, two half' in a month, two fortnight in a month, 

Name of Month relies on the truth of installation moon compliance with its cycle to signify the truth belongs to,

Transit of the moon covers all 27 constellations, and lastly reaches & completes the month on constellation named after the Hindi month on the full moon. and dates rely on the transit truth of the moon,

In the third year, it needs an Adhik mass or extra month or mal month or Purushottam mass[month].which falls in auto mode to equate the transitory truth of the Sun that to bless the life to revamp self in the truth of inherent culture,

Each day of the fortnight is presided over by a Deity as under in sequence from first to fourteenth_














The new year as per the Hindu calendar starts as the sun enters the zodiac sign, Aries, that exalted position of the Sun,

Sun script the truth of six seasons each consisting of two months to relate life with the evolution of self to a new stage,

Astro Science mainly covers all chapters of life. 

It could be the best diagnostic chapter for events that follow on the planet either by nature or with beings.

It is daylight truth that visible truth naked eyes,

It is a mystic truth that is visible through inner vision,

Life on the planet is more truth of emotions for the embodied soul,

Nine streams of emotions ever cover the mind of beings in truth with life and they are_

killing disposition
Jocular disposition 
Spiritual peace
Amorous disposition
Wondrous truth

It is a celestial truth to experience through the vibes of heart in truth with soul.

Life on the planet is influenced by many factors, of which one is Astro Science. 

Planets in the sky influence the truth of this planet including nature and life.

Each and every planet in the sky contribute in many forms to the truth of life on the planet,

Among all, nine are the main planets to put the earth in a dignified truth for the cause of the spirit in the journey as mortal beings. 

They are well-connected to nature and influence human life most, 

These planets are as under 

 THE SUN-soul 

 THE MOON –mind 

 THE MARS-power 

 THE MERCURY-wisdom 

 THE JUPITER-wealth 

 THE VENUS-sensual 

 THE SATURN-longevity 

 THE RAHU-reflection 

 THE KETU-reflection 

The Sun and the Moon directly influence the life that can be visualized all the way,

The Sun - a prominent planet in the universe that influences one and all that all the way in many forms,

Life on the planet relates to Sun, consciousness too relates to the truth of the Sun, 

Life is not only restricted to living beings, each and everything that exists on the sphere of the planet refers to the sun in direct and indirect modes,

It is not only heat and light that are indicated by the sun, the invisible flux and most affected ether truth of planet is marked by the Sun varyingly with the truth of impressions that counts both ways,

Water is among the prime requirements of life on the planet which is influenced by the moon all the way,

The Moon itself has its limitations to interface with the truth of life in direct mode yet a consistent planet life based on,

Indeed it is a fact that the moon redirects the effects unto the truth of the Sun in a favorable form that suits the beings on the planet,

Moon restricts and screens many harmful indications that are directed toward earth for an indifferent cause and moderates the chapter suitable for favors,

 The moon not only causes joy to beings but also indicates favor for inanimate existence on the planet,

It is not only Sun and Moon, all the nine planets including the seven light planets in the sky indicate a lot for life here,

Sky and zodiac signs have their own truth in cosmic synergy 

zodiac is mystic truth to reach the truth of events being performed in the truth of life in varying forms,

Zodiac signs have their mystic truth in context with multiple yogas in truth with their degree in grape of 360,

Zodiac signs host the planets in their transit truth and planets behave in truth with their host in gross mode,

Each zodiac sign measure 30 degrees that planet to cover in its transit truth,

Zodiac signs are referred to in truth with ascendant to evaluate the result in truth with referral ways for meaningful assertation unto subject concern with,

They could be the pivotal points to reaching the conclusion of any calculation,

Indeed, they are imaginary bisection of the sky in 12 equal parts but maintained their truth in their laps to influence the planet placed in,

Zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces ever remain to activate truth through the transitory truth of this universe,

Each sign has infinite features to indicate in a referral way that differs from the truth of the planets they host,

Each zodiac sign is ruled by the truth of a planet,

Zodiac signs are classified into three streams that_

Movable   Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn
Fixed   Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius
Common  Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pieces 

Tatva of Zodiac signs

AGNI-fiery    Aries-Leo-Sagittarius
BHUMI-earthy  Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn
VAYU-airy     Gemini-Libra-Aquarius 
Jal-watery     Cancer-Scorpio-Pieces  

Twelve houses of the zodiac and twelve zodiac signs relate to the twelve hours of the day,

Two fortnights reflect day and night in a month

1.अग्नि तत्व- अग्नि तत्व का अधिमित्र वायु, मित्र पृथ्वी और जल शत्रु है।

2.पृथ्वी तत्व- पृथ्वी तत्व का अधिमित्र जल, मित्र अग्नि, वायु शत्रु है।

3.वायु तत्व- वायु तत्व का अधिमित्र अग्नि, मित्र जल, शत्रु पृथ्वी है।

4.जल तत्व- जल तत्व का अधिमित्र पृथ्वी, मित्र वायु, शत्रु अग्नि है।

 12 houses signify as under_
  Ascendant is the main, so-called first house to reflect the body in life with features & behavior on at various stages in life. 

The second house relates to family matters including the truth about money,

  The third house reflects the intelligence in life 

 The fourth house reflects the education-happiness-vehicles etc 

 The fifth house reflects the fame in life 

The sixth house reflects the debts-enemies misery,

The seventh house reflects the spouse chapter & sensual truth of life. 

The eighth house reflects longevity in life 

 The ninth house reflects fate mainly with journey & spirituality. 

The tenth House reflects the occupation & knowledge of the bare facts including the chapter of Dharma. 

 The eleventh house reflects the gains in life. 

The twelfth house reflects the losses. 

There are four kinds of houses among 12 houses of the zodiac to influence life.




Planets housed in cadent have very limited power to indicate in life not more than 25% of their strength,

Planets housed in Succeedent house maintain moderate truth to indicate in life 

Planets housed in Quadrant possess enough power to influence life in tune with,

Planets in the Trine house alone possess extravaganza spirit to lift the life from pauper to king

Indeed they may relate the truth of ages and stages of life,

Indeed they may highlight the pitch of four worldly rewards in conjunct with the truth of discipline one adores,

 It's a cycle to start with the body & complete with the final conclusion

Aries is ruled by the truth of mars apart from its own light and wisdom,

Leo has ruled the truth of the sun with the degree it holds in the referral house of the zodiac in series with,

Mars owns Aries and Scorpio to influence them suitable,

Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo to reach in truth with,

Venus owns Taurus and the Libra to relate the things on merit,

Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius,

Jupiter owns Sagittarius and pieces 

Moon ruled the truth of cancer,

Each zodiac sign possesses two and quarter constellations, 

Each constellation cover 13 degrees for 20 minutes,

Each constellation bears an identity with the truth of properties to behave and influence the gross behavior of the Zodiac sign in truth with the hosted planet,

27 constellations cover the 360 degrees in their dynamic truth of veracity,

There is an Abhijeet Constellation that in fact is an overlapping truth in the meridian of two constellations, resort at the threshold of Uttar Sudha and Shravan, but highly meaningful to indicate favors for life and a great lover of Lord Vishnu and loved by Lord Vishnu beyond bounds,

Each constellation is ruled by a presiding deity, the truth of the god that rules the installation and truth of its own as possessed by the constellation has mystic chemistry to impact upon the evaluation of ant referral event,

It is a three-way journey to reach while to reach an event on its referral truth in the long and short run,

Venus and the truth_
Know the Venus to be a truth of compassion, rich in truth with generosity, and a planet that is mild in nature and beneficial to all, Never track enemy with anyone, though it may keep momentary effects as such,

A generous teacher, a Brahman by truth who indicate happiness and joy both ways,

The watery planet that influences most in the emotional truth of life, he let beings feel the truth in depth eternally,

A feminine truth that is more with feelings than anything else, reflects unto the truth of consort, 

Advocate the truth of Brahmanism and helps the pious most, 

Easily accept the prayer even of sinful beings, and bless the depraved first for welfare, 

The urge of sensual feeling imparted by venus in truth with passion and extremities indeed may encourage one for extravaganzas if form a Yoga with mars,

Ornament, luxurious living, and high-end vehicles to gratify ego is among the truth indicated by venus, 

Exalted in Pieces at 27 degrees sharp, Revati installation could be a favorite resort of Venus to indicate best irrespective of all odds of the journey,

Venus alone imparts the truth to maintain the birth rate on the planet, 

Ariel's Journey and journey through ships indicated by the venus, impart cultural truth to life for a civilized society,

Ascending truth for life on varying aspects, 

Venus alone is the only planet in the truth of the universe that indicates favors even in the twelfth house of the zodiac,

Venus alone maintains the truth to impart good irrespective of its weak position resulting from afflictions of Yoga, of positioning in a sign,

Venus even if sighted by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or mars never stops indicating good,

Malavya yoga makes pauper a king in truth with its maturity at a stage in calculation with native chart,

Know the truth of Mercury

Mercury is known for being a truth of jocular, ever distributing smiles among men and helping beings to track truth,

A storehouse of intellect and acts as a conductive to knowledge for beings in their orbit to felicitate and safeguard self,

Youth age could be derived from the truth of mercury in the Zodiac, it denotes boyhood well,

Exalted in its own sign Virgo and indicate numerously favors while transiting through Leo,

Maintains a compassionate feeling for suppliant and help even out of proportion to rescue the depraved but with pious truth,

It imparts perfection in speech and perceptive skills,

It imparts proficiency in language and truth to relate it with expressions,

Mercury ever go for rational in truth with a conscience to impart the best for moral, and spiritual legacy,

Influence the most on human psychology to relate the mercantile truth for men,

Not only friendly to Venus but indicate the majority of results from the book of venus to natives,

Vedic Mercury is the meaningful Shadow of Sri Vishnu,

Prayer to Lord Vishnu gratify the truth of Mercury to yield favorable,

In the second line, it imparts and invokes conscious in suppliant for the subtle cause,

Public address systems and social cults revolve around the truth of mercury,

Mercury is a best prepositional friend, indeed a disinterested friend of life,

Mercury and venus take spirit in higher elevation with the truth of mild application, awake the soul in the highest level of consciousness when proportionate to each other in Yoga,

Emerald possess the flux to align self for favors from mercury,

On Wednesday, mercury distributes the fruits of gains for both worlds,

In Pradosh Kaal on Wednesday, a yajna is performed by the mercury for the welfare of devotees,

It remains close to the vicinity of the sun in truth with its veracity to indicate the best for the beings on the planet,

Throughout the year act on the same module with a mild pitch to help life that to recover from unwanted sufferings of Journey,

Vimsottari  Dasa which relates to the longevity of man in truth with the transit span of different planets is as under_ 
Sun -6 yrs 
Moon-10 yrs 
Mars-7 yrs 
Rahu-18 yrs 
Jupiter-16 yrs 
Saturn-19 yrs 
Mercury-17 yrs 
Ketu-7 yrs 
Venus-20 yrs 

There is a chart of sub-period that Antar Dasa which for each planet to dilute the stream of the main planet varyingly,

There is a sub-sub-period that Prayanter Dasa for micro evaluation of truth that coincides with life in varying forms,

Planet dealt with their span_

THE SUN-soul 

 THE MOON –glorify the external beauty,

 THE MARS-regulate the truth of valor, 

 THE MERCURY-establish truth in the social sphere 

 THE JUPITER-richness in life 

 THE VENUS-Optimize the inner beauty, 

 THE SATURN-glorify the truth realization to pitch the being in truth with renunciation at its compliance mode,

 THE RAHU-Induce hidden fear

 THE KETU-Leads self to self through indifferent ways,

Sun indicates fame, success, glory, name, victory, spiritual light, enlightenment, and attraction.

Moon indicates beauty, peace, cool light, meditations, eternal joy, spiritual pleasures, and happiness in life.

Mars indicates the ultimate mode of power, strength, bravery, and leadership as the second line.

Mercury indicates social stream, education, mode of a smile in life, interactive success, and business prospects.

Jupiter indicates prosperity justice leadership & children.

Venus indicates sensuality, mystic powers, pleasures, grace, and glamour.

Saturn indicates longevity reality loneliness realization of self and devotional spirit
Rāhu indicates miseries, fear, agonies separations, and above all chapter on subjective knowledge.

Ketu indicates the wisdom of emancipation as the main.

Planet in truth with the person,

Sun -Masculine

Planets know for being the truth of ruling factors in line with direction to reach favors from,
Sun -East 
Rahu-south west
Ketu-South west
Venus-south east 

'Planets relate the color_
Sun -Pink
Ketu-multiple colors
Venus-Silky white 

Planets in their state of exaltation
Sun -Aries
All planets got debilitated at 180 degree from their exalted state,

Planet and its state with respect to its possition,
Enlighten  in its exalted state,
Happy state in its Mool Trikon
Healthy state in its own house
Serene state in an auspicious house
Disturbed state while in an indifferent house
Helpless in the house owned by the enemy
Indifferent in the company of sinful 
Stare in the company of debilitated planets 
Scared in combust state

Only a planet in truth with comfort indicates good and favors in life to review the subject to reach and in other states restricts its beneficial indications 

Planets with their referral metals 
Sun -Gold

Gems related to planets
Sun -Ruby/माणिक्य 
Saturn-Blue sphere/ नीलम 
Ketu-Cat's eye/वैदूर्य 
Venus-Dimond /हीरा 

Planets and the gems_

Sun indicates ruby, for success in life on almost every front.

Moon indicates pearl; it is for keeping cool and enhances benefices in many spheres of life.

Mars indicates coral, it enhances willpower and brave mode for life.

Mercury indicates emerald; it enhances business prospects and reflects on mystic power positively.

Jupiter indicates topaz, it for prosperity as main.

Venus indicates diamond, success, and celebration, including sensuality.

Saturn indicates blue sapphire if suits one then life run at a high peak and an unbelievable pace on the track of success.

Rahu indicates zircon, is for overall control of temperament and leads to a safe mode of life.

Ketu cat's eye, if it suits one, then only one can conquer the enemies of life with all ease.

Note_ all gems have their respective merits to adore with, mind it in clear words that every action associated with the equal and opposite reaction, specific gems suits to the specific sign of the zodiac as per their basic chart. Every gem does have a few malefic points of varying potency to take care of prior to adorning.

All care is needed to suggest any gem for anyone as results differ from person to person and sign to sign.

Purity, potency, and weight matter a lot while considering any gem.

Proper purification and appropriate time to adore is a must factor for any gem as per Astro notes to reflect goodness in life.

Emerald zircon topaz and the pearl are soft and mild to adore with ease with little if and buts. Other gems need careful study to adopt with.

Diamond, blue sapphires, and cat’s eyes are not so common that anyone can adore them; they are tough enough to reverse the fortune if proper care is not taken.

The first and ninth houses

The first and ninth houses in the zodiac are very important to evaluate a meaningful life. Health is the foremost subject in life, and then it is fate. The first house represents health and body, whereas 9th represents the fate.

In every sphere of life, fate plays an important role, whether it is a success or health even.

When the sun of fate rises in the zodiac, then it's life in real means, otherwise, it’s more of suffering.

Malefic planets either in 1st or 9th retard the pace of life, hence inducing undue hardship to life, whereas benefic and good planets there make life livable and make it feasible to attain all the four bliss meant for being human.

Every subject of life passes through the orbit of fate. It is considered better not to have any planet in that very house than to have sinful planets.

For a perfect fate, 9th from the moon should also be well-placed in all respect.

Venus and money matters 
Money matters a lot in life with the truth of dignity and Venus relates it,

Money Yogas in truth with Venus indicate plenty of money,

Though primarily venus relates to the sensual truth but equally indicates the truth of prosperity, 

A well-placed Venus indicates a glorious journey in truth with money and pleasures,

Youth age is the subject of Venus but in the cult of money it remains active till the last breath,

Venus indicates new avenues with time and age to gain and regain the truth of being riches,

A mild prayer to Venus with heart may open lot of ways to paves in money,  

Venus is taken the planet of prosperity and material riches after Jupiter on the subject of life. Mercury associates with Venus in the same profile. 2nd house in the zodiac represents money matters.

Venus and mercury housed in 2nd reflect prosperity and success in money matters. If they are sighted through the benefic planet then it enhances the result their in.

If the 9th house supports the money matters then life becomes very easy to carry on with.

It does need the first and the last to be finely placed in case of visualizing the event onto a house in the zodiac. Sound health {considered through the first house} is a must to have money and success in life. Here if the first house is well-placed adds on to the result of Venus and mercury being in second. It also needs that 3rd house status must be defined to lead to success in the mission being a house represents parakram.

There are so many other yoga’s also indicate wealth in life apart from above mentioned.

Pilgrimage and religiousness
Pilgrimage and religiousness are usually taken from the 9th house of the zodiac. Favorable and benefices planets if housed in reflects religiousness in life. Jupiter is the giant planet to inflict religious mode in life.

The 9th house of the zodiac is a favorable place for the zodiac. If Jupiter is sighted through a benefic planet or being the cause of auspicious yoga then one born in such yoga is bound to earn religious merits during the transit mode and another period of Jupiter.

If the 8th house of the zodiac is occupied by the benefic planets and sighted through benefic planets and forming auspicious yoga results in religious & spiritual gains in life.

Saturn has its own impact on the religious mode of life, through its very effects bring life to religious mode. It generates faith in god. During the transit of Saturn usually, one is subjected to pilgrimage in life.

Yogas_there are hundreds of yoga that dominate in astrological calculations and supersede most other aspects, a high-end powerful yoga may bypass all afflictions as directed by a zodiac,

 Gaj Kaseri is prominent Yoga, a Raj Yoga with infinite truth irrespective of being a party to Cadent house,

Adhi Yoga is no less than Gaj Kaseri,

Yoga that with conjugal truth at a specific degree are better placed than three factors component to form  a Yoga to indicate good,

Among Yoga in line with astrological calculations, inter-house exchange yoga is a meaningful truth to evaluate the referral subject,

Mutual exchange of houses by the planets in truth with their ownership indicates prowess wisdom and light to the concerned men,

Guru Mangala and Chandra Mangala are high-potency yogas that neutralize many kinds of afflictions as indicated by various malefic yogas in the Zodiac,

Nothing can be at par in the truth with Yogas potency to indicate differences altogether from case to case, 

Yoga that manifests through being housed in position in the candent house of the zodiac bears low potency to indicate favors as compared to the truth of Kendras and trine houses, 

Few high-end yogas are as under_
Bhaskar Yoga,
Ruchak Yoga
Bhadra Yoga
Hanse Yoga
Malavya Yoga
Shash or Shashak yoga 

Veshi and Vasa yoga with pivoted truth of sun,
Anapha and Sunapha pivoted the truth of the moon,

Chandra Mangal yoga is different but favorable to counter many afflictions of negative yogas

Yoga in the zodiac reflects a lot in life, a person born in auspicious yoga is bound to have a better life than the one born in other yoga. 28 define regular yoga in series have their own impact on life.

Preeti Ayusmaan Shobhagya Shobhan Sukarm Dhruva Vridhai Harshan Variyaan shiv Paridhi Shadhya Siddh Shubh Shukla and Brahma are the auspicious yoga to inflict better modes for life.

There are eleven Karn who speak too on ways to have a life profile. Baav balav kolav tatil gur vaniz vishti shakunt chatuspat nag kartign. The last three are taken as weak on the subject of inflicting good to live.

Dev gan and Manushya gan are taken very auspiciously in Astro mode, whereas rakshas gan is taken as other ones.

There are so many factors that decide the fate of life on the chart of prediction, only one factor can not evaluate the style of life alone.

Any ill-placed planet is likely to create barriers in life,
Any afflicted planet is likely to impose hardship in the journey,
All debilitated planets unless otherwise aspected through  a benefit planet or part of benefic yoga make life tough,

All planets in the sky through appear as material instruments but an unprecedented truth is to behave like a man in a cult with divinity

They feel delighted to be prayed to by a pious soul and holy saints but they address too the grievance of the diseases in the light of truth  

All verses that are prescribed in the syllabus of prayer in addition to eternal feeling are as true as anything to create an echo that pierces the veils of both planes to reach at, irrespective of even different pronunciations in the shadow of varying languages men indulge with,


Know Jupiter not just a planet but a ray of hope in the truth of life on the planet,

On the planet, it acts as lord Vishnu for compliance to sustain in truth with dignity,

Indeed a giver of wealth and prosperity,

A Brahman that is tough to understand but most favorable to devotees, 

Indifferent is the ways of Jupiter to indicate favors, not as simple as it appears but all the way  leads to the truth of self for ultimate gain at respective time,

In its tenure, it fix the goal and target for devotees and help through the journey from outside to ensure safe passage,

There is no planet as helpful as Jupiter in any manner, take care of all afflictions faced by devotees whichever form it may be,

A tough planet that can be addressed by a mild submission through the very mild application of self through respective discipline,

Jupiter ever regard the truth of saintly souls and soul in truth with self,

In sole core, it helps man to secure self-respect,

The giver of occupation and money for a fair living,

 Jupiter is an exception truth even for those born with collapsed zodiac but a refuge in Jupiter may help them to lead a normal life irrespective of all odds in yogas and planetary position in zodiac,

Even a debilitated Jupiter may help aspirants and devotees even out of proportion to recover self from the delusion of sufferings fast, 

For the seeker of money and self-respect, Jupiter could be truth to meet with irrespective of their cast creed color and truth, 

Transit truth of Jupiter is a year on a zodiac sign,

Devotees may encash this opportunity to revamp themselves both ways,

Jupiter is the truth to relate with Kumbh, a comprehensive divine Yajna for the welfare of Atman,

Jupiter is a strong planet that imparts strength to the eternity of self,

It relates to the truth of the sky and directly rules the eternity of self,

Jupiter maintains a spirit to update the eternity of self,

Results of this planet are not visible by the naked eyes yet the truth of Jupiter relates to the glory of self,

Top most yoga that Raj Yoga Gaj Kesari is ruled by the truth of Jupiter,

Mild application of self in the refuge of Jupiter may help aspirants to safeguard themselves from afflictions as indicated by all malefic planets 

Sixteen years of Vimsottary from Jupiter may fill the treasury of devotees beyond imagination,

Rāhu indicative of_
Insect’s trouble
Eye trouble
Evil departed spirit
Blood and skin in the second line
Selfish mode
Weak module
Force of protection
Friends in the second charter
Wish good out of evil
Foreign element
Religious mode and spiritual wisdom
Sky mode
Fire in the second series
Wednesday, later part
The dark half of the lunar month

If help is sought, Rāhu never denies at all for true flavor.

If help is sought, Rāhu helps till one breathes one’s last.

If help is sought, Rāhu helps to attain the wisdom of true life here and hereafter too.

The highest spiritual bliss could also be attained in the span of Rāhu even after a lot of if and buts as quoted by saints and seers.

No one ascertains the truth of the impact of the planets on the life on the planet yet Astro science indicates a lot unto subject that needs fair truth of knowledge and interception skill to reach the five stages to make it in harmony with,

Five stages_
Present scenario of the sky chart, first and foremost,
Zodiac truth of the concerned subject either a being or an event,
Vimsottary truth with the study of both fortnights, immediate past and immediate future,
Context of the day in cult with Panchang that five chapters which influence to address the state there and then, this may diffuse the most afflicted stage to follow, or dilute the truth of favorable condition going to bless one, 
Deep insight evaluation unto pitch of the fate in immediate position,

Things that matter in Punchang,
1. Tithy_ Prathama to Amavasya, Prathma to Purnima
2.Constallation_27 plus Abhijit
3.Yoga_27 regular yogas from Vishkumbh to Vaidhrati
4.Karan_from Baav to kartigna
Vaar-the day of the week which relates to the light of the planet
5.Yoga_resulted with conjunct of day and constellation, the impact the most irrespective of all other factors,

Apart from this Months in truth with their inherent cult impact suitable to reach any calculation,

Sky chart of the Last legendary event to the next legendary event may impact unto truth of the charter going to evaluate the event,

There are series of yoga's in varying positioning of planets with respect to other planets and the referral zodiac signs to impact upon the truth,

Astro science is infinite in itself, 
One may reach the count of the sky stars but the limit of Astro science,
Above all the truth of this cult manifest in the mind of a mystic as fast as a supercomputer irrespective of its calculation in person,
Purity of mind influences the truth of calculation,
Purity of self-supported by the truth of this science,

Sun and the truth of energy_
Sound is the lowest form of energy, next comes heat, then light, then magnetism, then electricity, then the ether. a higher form of energy can be transformed lower form of energy & vice versa. but all the energies are derived from the solar system which is ruled by the truth of the Sun.

In truth reality sun never set, it is the phase of the cycle of the globe that experience this illusion, hence the energy of the sun can tap any time potency may differ but not the truth,

All planets draw their energy from the sun uninterruptedly, their structure is built in such a module, a man may develop it for life,

Saturn is the most distant planet from the earth & moon is the nearest but both influence life equally, the core of the sky being taken as the soul onto life as well, the soul of the universe.

No manifestation of energy could ever occur without the light & heat of the sun though an invisible flux ever remains active to hold the planets and stars in their respective orbit,

Though earth is not most affected by the truth of Sun yet sun maintains an interrupted truth for this Vasundhara and the cause is known to providence alone,

Life and climate are greatly affected by the planets in the sky with the core base as the sun. our climate & features of vegetation are the sources of life on the planet and are solely connected to the planets in the sky.

life is influenced by the circumstances -monastery, social system & the climate. if one is directly exposed to mid-day sun, got exhausted but if got the sun in the evening must feel relaxed & refreshed the condition differ in the case of summer and winter,

Saturn and its feature
Friends_ mercury Venus and Rāhu
Enemies_ sun moon and Mars
Neutral Jupiter Exalted in Libra at 20 degrees sharp
Debilitation in Aries at 20 degrees sharp
Full sight 7th, 3rd, and 10th
Vimsottary period 19 years.
Japa Mahamritunjya
Transit period 30 months
Effect 12th and 2nd house along with sign occupy to make it seven and a half year
In external orbit far away from the earth
Own sign Capricorn and Aquarius
Slow in pace, dark
Indicative gem black sapphire
50% sight on 5th & 9th house of the zodiac
75% sight on 4th & 8th house of the zodiac
Indicative of age factor as main
Associate marital chapter
Impact on mystic power
Reflects devotional stream
Oil and iron most effected matters
Land business subjective to it
Indicative of old age
the difference in marital status
Delayed married if subjected to 7th
Loneliness is a vital subject in it
Separation indicative
Windy in nature
Health hazards
Demoralization while afflicted
Fame while the fine association
Hard to accommodate
Mool tricone in own house, 6th and 11th house of the zodiac are Benefic, a benefit on sighted by benefice
Inflicts prosperity to Taurus Gemini & Libra
Broken education
Indicative of service in the occupation
Gastric trouble
Short-tempered attitude
Indicative of gambling, Indicate easy money
Frustration and failure
Indicative of enemies Highly influenced by the charity
Brings the life to self
Enlighten the bare facts testify the life as justice

O wonderful lord sun, from the glories of Kashyap shines like the Japa flower and bestower of enlightening the inner as well outer world, cause of the day and life on the planet, dispeller of dark all the way, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord moon, shining with the glory of being a matchless white symbol of purity and beauty even more than that glorified from the blessings of lord shiva who choose you as a precious ornament for his forehead, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord mars, glorious son of the planet earth brilliant through the unmatched pace ever shining as youth storehouse of ultimate power, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord mercury, known for being unmatched beauty with light complex, most intelligent, fruitful, smiling and benefit all the way, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord Jupiter, known for being a true preceptor for gods and pious soul, the storehouse of wisdom in all the three spheres of the universe for truth, make my obeisance to your lotus feet

O wonderful lord Venus, known for being the spiritual preceptor of all demons and those who are in indifferent mode, master of all mystic skill & unmatched snow whitest in appearance from the race of Bhargav house, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord Saturn, known for being the son of great legend for life the sun, born to the mother Sri Chaaya {shadow}, elder brother of Yama [god of death] keeps the pace at low but fine penetration and a bit dark in complex but fine to bring the life to the true self, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord Rahu, being known for his head and unmatched bravery, strength & power to rule the wisdom on a wish, the main cause for the eclipse of the sun and the moon, born to mother Sri Sri Simhika, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

O wonderful lord Ketu, being form as the other part of Rahu, fierce and terrifying also known to be the head of all stars in the sky but great all the way to indicate emancipation, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.

Truth from the ages and eons but hard to believe,

A man with austere penance may change his fate to favor

A holy soul may predict the truth above the horizon of scientific calculation

Nothing is impossible in the world of Maya

Every individual soul in the garb of a man is potentially divine

Adoration of the celestial cult may diffuse a lot of karmic baggage

Sun and the moon can never cause death to any being that embodied the soul

Apart from it they are the meaningful and soothing resort of souls hereafter, souls that maintain their dignity in truth with cause

There are so many celestial streams of eternity in a cult that are hard to perceive in mortal truth there in ether plane like we have mighty rivers of water and spirit is bound to pass through to prove self to cross over to that shore, or those drown come back to this world of transmigration, and same sky chart influence the truth there irrespective of spirit being in an immortal frame

Courtesy and compassion have no barrier to languages and they are eternally connected with the truth of celestial storage for a hidden cause of embodied soul in the garb of men

All beings fear death for many reasons among them losing the lot is the least concern, and the most concerned is the fair trial there without any deluded lawyer and spirit know that the judicial system is perfect there, no delay, pardon and mercy exist there for genuine chapters soul indulge in with

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्

May all be happy. 
May all be healthy. 
May all experience the good on the subject of life and let no one suffer 


Hare Rama